Oak is pleased to support the Phoenix Tumbling Club in their "Buy a Brick" initiative, which aims to make the facility a larger and more accommodating space for aspiring gymnasts.

Phoenix Tumbling was established in October 2018 and has quickly become a centre for gymnastics enthusiasts. In September of 2019, the club had more than 100 members, and has since grown to 325 members, who attend weekly sessions.

Their fundamental objective is clear: to make gymnastics affordable, accessible, and enjoyable for the entire community and to provide elite-level training to produce exceptional gymnasts in tumbling. This requires gymnasts to have access to the proper facilities, apparatus, and coaching to compete on national and international stages.

Gemma Tibbs, a member of Phoenix Tumbling and part of our Oak team, said: “It is incredibly motivating to know that Oak supports not only their people but also our local community. It makes me proud to be part of a company that places such a strong emphasis on caring and giving back.”

At Oak, we value our people and local community which is why we were delighted to be a part of Phoenix Tumbling's journey. We look forward to seeing our brick once Phoenix Tumbling has finished building their new facility.