Each year, International Women's Day is celebrated globally to reflect on progress made, to raise awareness on change needed and to celebrate the women around us. This year's theme is #InspireInclusion.

Profiling women from our leadership team, we will be learning about their career journey, their proudest achievement since joining Oak, what women inspire them and how they are committed to inspire inclusion.

Yesterday, Kate shared her story and today Jo Gorrod, Managing Director of Oak's Jersey office shares hers.

Can you tell us about yourself and your career journey so far?

After graduating from Manchester with a degree in English, I qualified as a teacher but decided it was just not for me. I started in finance working for the trust company of a local law firm nearly 30 years ago and haven’t looked back.

What has been your proudest achievement so far since joining Oak?

Non-work related, my proudest achievement would be making it to the World Championship in Kona. It was a humbling experience but making it to the start line having just taken on the Managing Director role in Jersey is something I am proud of!

What is the greatest advice you have been given?

Believe in yourself – with many women it is confidence and not competence that holds them back.

Which women inspire you the most and why?

I am inspired by women with resilience and determination. I am a big fan of athletics and Paula Radcliffe and Laura Muir are great examples of where hard work can take you.

What ways are you committed to inspire inclusion?

It is so important to have diversity at board level, it not about quotas for women or minorities but ensuring that those around the table bring differing experiences and perspective on life.

Do you have any advice you would give to other women starting out in the industry?

The working world has changed dramatically since I started back in the 90’s, luckily, I don’t have to wear heels every day anymore and when you go to an event you are not the only woman in the room. My advice would be to seize opportunities when they arise and push yourself out of your comfort zone. We are often more ready to take on the next challenge than we realise.